Best Logistics Company in Pune

Transporters in Pune

Best Transport Company in Pune

EasyGo Logistics Pvt Ltd is well known in the road transport industry. With more than three decades of experience in the logistics business, the company is synonymous with safety & reliability. Whether it is personalized customer service, time-bound performance, or careful handling of cargo, there's an ever-growing base of loyal customers who count on EasyGo.

Logistics Company in Pune offers you a reliable and flexible service package that is customized to suit your specific requirements. The company covers all major industrial and commercial centers across India. Over the 30 years-evolution of our superlative legacy group, we have grown significantly. From humble beginnings of being a regional player within the boundaries of Maharashtra &Gujarat, we today have a nationwide footprint across India.

In everything we do, we strive to provide the best; EasyGo Logistics is about enhancing efficiency and exploring new ways of reliable transportation. We focus on continuous improvement with an innovative approach to provide the best solution in the industry. Our reputation is paramount to us and we stop at nothing to prove that.

Our Vision

By 2025 we want EasyGo to be a one- stop solution to customer’s every logistic need be it through Road,Rail or Air and generate customer loyalty by providing a seamless logistics experience.


To organize India’s logistics sector and make it universally accessible and useful for everyone.


To deliver high quality, reliable logistic solutions in a cost effective way and ensure customer satisfaction at all times.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The company is keenly aware of its social obligations to the community and to the country. With increasing congestion on Indian roads, safe driving campaigns and environment programs have become important social projects for the company. EasyGo is lending a helping hand in providing a safe & pollution free environment through regular tree plantation drives. Special incentive schemes have been initiated to encourage small, healthy families. Free medical camps are also held in rural areas where medical facilities are not available.

Our Recent CSR Activities

  • Contribution to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund
  • Distribution of 10000 freshly cooked meals to the economically weaker section of society during Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Distribution of masks and sanitizers during Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Tied up with various cab renting companies in Pune to provide free commute services to frontline medical staff - Doctors, Nurses and Support Staff.
  • Every 25th at EasyGo we have tree plantation campaign and plant around 250 trees to contribute our bit to the environment.


Packages(Per Year)


Satisfied Clients


Tons of Goods (Per Year)


Owned & Attached Fleets